Is PR the same as Advertising? Things to know to distinguish the two from a PR Professional’s Perspective!
Hey there, It’s another new week to discuss all things PR and life in general,…
5 Books to read that can help fast-track your PR career!
Hey there, In this post, we will be discussing 5 books to read that can…
Planning Your PR Career for 2025!
Hey there, It’s been a minute since I graced your presence with a blog post….
What is the difference between a PR Strategy and a Tactic?
Hey there, Welcome to the PR Chic blog, today’s focus would be on the differences…
Please help, What is Demographic and Psychographic Segmentation?
Hey there, In our last writeup, we discussed knowing your customer persona in your bid…
How to identify your Customer Persona
Hey there, Today’s focus would be on how to identify your customer persona. In the…